Ashley mass effect 1
Ashley mass effect 1

Mordin didn’t create the Genophage, but he maintains it, making sure it continues to be effective, wrecking any chance of true Krogan civilizational growth. In just one game, it’s revealed that he’s a caring doctor, a scientist driven mostly by logic, a brutal ex-spy, an actor who likes patter songs, a dabbler in religion, a hyperactive madman who speaks like William Shatner on speed and a man responsible for dooming a whole race. Even Kaidan evolves quite a bit, especially to a point where he plays Jacob's role better than Jacob did (even when you turn down the advance).Mordin is the most well-defined character in the trilogy. We (generally, exceptions being Amnesiac Williams) see the characters develop in this game, even those who were with us from the beginning. At this point, we already are into and love quite a lot of characters, making more (or even entertaining the thought of a whole lot more) is just icing on the cake and not really necessary for the game. As much as we all want a Krogan (and James plays the tactical part himself) does creating a new Krogan really solve anything other than some sort of checklist like "we need a krogan, there's a krogan". Most of these characters are also just too important to their prior/new groups to just give up what they're doing to join an already formidable Normandy crew.Īnd I don't see why, even as someone who wasn't a fan of Tali or Garrus, you believe having them there is a negative in anyway, as if having a small number of teammates for each game is a detriment of any kind. It's not really right for the Normandy at a time of crisis to grab all the different groups he's had. The narrative doesn't call for it, since the war with the reapers right now is occurring beyond just what Shepard is doing at the very moment at time.

ashley mass effect 1

ME3 just isn't set up to have as many teammates as ME2.

ashley mass effect 1

Beyond that, the squadmate make-up and set up is really damn good and perfect for the final game. Click to expand.I don't really see them failing miserably at all on this topic besides the lackluster character plot of Ashley (and Kaidan) and that they booked themselves to a point where you might have only Liara as a biotic-capable teammate.

Ashley mass effect 1