2k15 for free
2k15 for free

2k15 for free

If you have to need more Games or Software's then click on Technical Joystick. In this game new rosters, new arenas, new championship titles and new contents have been introduced. The "Breaking Point" gauge has been replaced with a two part circular gauge. The game's submission system has been revamped. The stamina meter can also be turned off or adjusted to drain more slowly, and will slowly regenerate as long as a meter is not depleted. In the third tier, the wrestler will be completely exhausted, even being unable to perform their finishing moves should it drop too low.

2k15 for free

During the second tier, the wrestler will begin to slow down. During the first tier, the wrestler will be full of energy and perform moves easily. Through each move the player performs, especially striking and running, will drain the stamina meter. This game also introduces the three-tier stamina meter, which controls the pace of a match. Whomever wins will place their opponent in the corresponding hold, while both players rotate the right analog stick to find a "sweet spot".

2k15 for free

At the beginning of the tie up, each opponent will press one of three face buttons to place their opponent into a side headlock, a wrist lock or a waist lock with a rock-paper-scissors style outcome. Pressing the grapple button at the beginning of the match will initiate a collar-and-elbow tie up. An Overview WWE 2K15 signifies as the start of a "new generation", which focuses on turning the franchise into a true wrestling game rather than "a fighting game with WWE Superstars in it." The new chain wrestling mini-game has been implemented to make matches play out more realistically.

2k15 for free